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Fax: (866) 229-9029

Our Artwork

Click here for Alpha listing of Coast Guard Units as of 06Feb2007
USCG Cutters
& Boats

USCG Cutters
Gru Humboldt Bay, California Coast USCG Aircraft
& Shore Units
US Navy Ships US Navy Ships NOAA and other ships Other U.S. Ships
NOAA, Customs, C&GS, U.S. Army
U.S. Aircraft Aircraft
Other than USCG
West Coast Lighthouses Lighthouses
West Coast

East and North Lighhouses Lighthouses
East & North Coast
Additional Prints Additional Prints

Other product linked tables could be added here or on additional pages.

Each of the sections above would have their own page with thumbnail/linked images.  On those pages is were you'd place the PayPal link for each product.  If you don't already, you should create a merchant PayPal account and choose the level of account.  Normally, the level of account is determined by the volume of monthly sales.  Again remember this is only a skeleton website at this point.  Obviously, more pages must be added.  Tom Miller

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